Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rocky Legends

I am a big fan of Rocky. The video game Rocky Legends is a satisfying game for Rocky fans, but does contain a few flaws though.
First of all the graphics could be improved. When you see the game play, they are not the best and could be way better. A thing that is interesting is that the game keeps it realistic. If you get punched in the face a few times your gonna have cuts and bruises. And that happens within the game. When the character get punched a lot, you will see damage to his face.
Another flaw would have to be that the controls are hard to get used to. It is pretty difficult to do combos, so in the end your basically just tapping random buttons and hope your opponent goes down.
A flaw that needs to be fixed is the games difficulty. The levels of difficulty are: Novice, Contender and Champ (Basically, Easy, Normal, Hard) Problem with this though is that Novice is too easy, Contender is a bit difficult and Champ is extremely hard. It's basically all messed up.
Other than that the game is pretty good. You can choose career mode, and basically you play as either Rocky Balboa, Apollo Creed, Clubber Lang or Ivan Drago for their career, rising from the bottom to the top. There are also many training mini games that are fun. Makes you feel that you are actually training for the fight. When you win fights, you get money. You can you use the money to buy more training games, new boxers, new venues and you can actually get movie trailers from the first five Rocky films.
In the end, Rocky Legends is a fairly good Rocky game, just needs some improvements.

Rating: 3.5/5 Stars